Monday, January 25, 2016

question 2

What are some  of the cons of blogging?
  1. Sharing ID numbers.
  2. Sharing date of  birth.
  3. Where you are going.
  4. If your house is clean or dirty.
  5. If you are alone at home.
  6. If no won is home and your house is empty.
  7. Show your medical records.
  8. What school you went to.
  9. What you are doing on the weekends.
  10. Who is in your house at night.
  11. If you are going out with some one and you have a babysitter at your house.

question 1

What are some of the pros of blogging?

  1.  pro of blogging is sharing good  information  like  the weather .
  2. Another pro of blogging is to know what is going on in the world .
  3. The third pro of blogging is to know what is good to eat.
  4. The fourth pro of blogging is getting to now your family .
  5. The last one  is to talk to your friends and family.